
You can add as many configuration files as you need in the config directory.

All configurations can be retrieved in your views using config('') - which would return the result of foo from the config/filename.php (or .ini, json, .yml, .yaml).

Example of retrieving a configuration key in a view:

<h1>Welcome to {{ config('app.domain') }}</h1>

Which would return the "domain" value from the config/app.yml file:


You can also pass a default variable as the second argument, which will be used if the configuration key is NULL or unset.

{{ config('app.key', 'default-value') }}


The config() function uses dots as a "separator" for associative arrays.

Config example - config/app.yml

    title: GitHub
    url: ''

    title: Google
    url: ''

You can access the array in different ways.

Get a specific value:

GitHub link: {{ config('app.links.github.url') }}

List all links in the array:

@foreach(config('app.links') as $row)
	<a href="{{ $row['url'] }}">{{ $row['title'] }}</a>

Debugging Configuration

You can print the complete configuration array in your terminal using:

$ capro config

If you only want to print a specific value, you can run: capro config app.domain

To print multiple configuration keys, run: capro config app.domain app.title

If you need to var_dump() the variables to see the types of the values, you can add the -d or --dump flag, e.g.: capro config -d or capro config app.domain -d

The Core Configuration File

The file config/core.php should be reserved for the Capro configuration. It can be used to change directory names and add view-templates.

If you want to change the directory names, e.g. if you want to save the build to a directory called "build" instead of "public", you can do so by changing config/core.php file as seen below.

Example of a config/core.php:

return [
	'public_dir' => 'build',

Serve Config

If you want to change the configuration used for the capro serve command, you can set the following core config:

return [
	'serve_host' => '',
	'serve_port' => 8000,