View Templates (for API Data)

View Templates can be used to turn data objects into static HTML files, all using the same template. E.g. for retrieving blog posts from a headless CMS.

API Example: Cats!

Here's an API example using the Guzzle package (composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle), retrieving cat images/gifs from Cat as a service (CATAAS).

You can see a working demo of this example here: Cats Demo

First we need to tell Capro about our "ViewTemplate" - which consists of a label, the template name, the URL where the HTML files are built to, and finally an array of all the items which will be turned into HTML files.



use xy2z\Capro\ViewTemplate;

function get_cats(int $limit = 10) {
	$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
	$response = $client->request('GET', '' . $limit);
	$json = json_decode($response->getBody(), false);
	$cats = [];

	foreach ($json as $cat) {
		$cats[] = [
			'id' => $cat->_id,
			'tags' => $cat->tags,

	return $cats;

return [

	// ViewTemplate (demo)
	'templates' => [

		// Cats
		new ViewTemplate(
			label: 'cats',
			template_view: 'cat_template', // Points to: `views/templates/cat_template.blade.php`
			result_path: '/demo/cats/{id}',
			items: get_cats(5),


Since this ViewTemplate consists of 5 items (cats) it will generate 5 pages each saved to public/demo/cats/{id}.

Make a View Template

Now we need to make a template that each of the item will use.

Create a new file: views/templates/cat_template.blade.php

<h2>Here's the cat:</h2>
<img src="{{ $id }}">

The template will have access to all the variables set in the $items array.

List Items

Optionally, you might want to list all your items (cats) on a page. View Templates are automatically turned into collections and can be referenced by the label set in the ViewTemplate constructor.

Here's an example of a page that lists all cats. Create a new file: views/pages/cats.blade.php

	@foreach(Capro::cats()->orderBy('id')->get() as $view)
		<li><a href="{{ $view->href }}">{{ $view->id }}</a></li>

In this example, the $view variable has access to all the default View properties (href, save_path, etc.) - and also all the variables set in the $items array in the ViewTemplate.